Hi, I'm Mike Schmidt known as Michael SchmidtMy source(s) are FNAF: The Movie, my first appearance is in the very first FNAF game by Scott Cawthon, originally made in 2014 August 8th

I also happen to identify as my actor, Josh Hutcherson which makes me 5'5-5'7
I'm 25-31 years old

From what people tell me I'm actually a nice guy and a good big brother when I'm not fearing for my life because of some yellow rabbit

I'm apart of a system, edgy I know but not THAT kind of system, I'm apart of a D.I.D system, the host is Liz and yeah you get the point
For more info about us that I'm CLEARLY not giving you can check our main carrd, made by the bitch herself.

The end แถป ๐—“ ๐ฐ